St John Evangelical Lutheran Church
302 West Holmes Street
Chester, Illinois 62233
St. John Lutheran School
224 West Holmes Street
Chester, Illinois 62233

Join us in our 175th Anniversary Year!
"Great is Thy Faithfulness"​
Join us for midweek Lent Services
Wednesdays 4pm & 7pm
Worship with us every weekend
Saturdays 5pm
Sunday 7:45am & 10am
Bible Study & Children's Sunday School
Sunday 9am

Ministry Expansion Campaign
"Building on a Foundation of Faith"
St. John Lutheran Church and School are resolutely committed to "Building a Foundation of Faith" for future generations in Chester, Illinois. Together, we have the God-inspired opportunity to launch a bold ministry campaign by constructing a new Pre-K through 8th Grade school building.
Christian Focused Growth & Development
We the members of St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church believe that in response to God's Good News we give God praise in all that we do, especially through worship together, Bible study groups, fellowship and mission outreach. We also believe that we can't always live our faith perfectly. That is why we need the forgiveness of our Savior Jesus.
Spiritual Nurturing
St. John offers: daily devotions, weekly chapel services, learning and growing together in a Christian environment.
Academic Nurturing
A staff of Christian educators is dedicated to developing the whole child. The spiritual, intellectual, physical, creative, and social needs of each child are recognized and nurtured. St. John's is recognized by the Illinois State Board of Education and offers a progressive curriculum with age-appropriate material.