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"For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
Mark 10:45

Brotherhood of the Cross

Men need other men. 

Brothers in Christ need other brothers. 

StJLC Men's Ministry aims to bring men together as brothers for...

  • Time in the Word & Prayer

  • Service to Church & Community

  • Mutual Conversation & Support

  • Fun!


Lutheran Women's Missionary League (LWML)

The LWML at St. John Lutheran Church welcome all women to join them in service to the church and our community. Activities include weekly quilting, annual bake sales, rummage sales, and large service projects. To learn more about the LWML, contact the church office.


Parent Teacher League (PTL)

The PTL is made up of teachers and parents of children at St. John Lutheran School. The PTL plans and organizes the Annual Dinner Auction held each fall, the annual Christmas Bazaar held the first Saturday in December, an annual Spaghetti Dinner held during Lent and other fundraisers throughout the year. Funds raised by the PTL support the purchase of needed equipment, educational materials, and items needed by the school. To learn more about the PTL, contact the School Office.

Youth Group

Youth Group

Youth members of the church in 8th Grade and High School participate in group meetings, national gatherings, and faithful service activities throughout the year. To learn more about the St. John Youth Group, contact the church office.

Jail Ministry

Each week, two of our members go to the local jail to share Jesus Christ.  They visit with those who are either awaiting trial, release, or are serving shorter sentences for crimes for they have already been convicted.  We praise God that they bring the comforting Good News of Jesus to those who are struggling with consequences of their sins. 

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St John Evangelical Lutheran Church

302 West Holmes Street

Chester, Illinois 62233


St. John Lutheran School

224 West Holmes Street

Chester, Illinois 62233


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